Surprise! Love, Mother Nature

Amani R  •   Connecticut  •  22


Ha, bloody you say? More like a dark brown ooey-gooey sticky, situation going on down there. 

I remember I was in 6th grade and pretty much all of the girls around me have already gotten their period and went through a few cycles by then. Sharing with one of my friends in class that I haven't gotten it yet, left her with a rather appalled expression. No feelings of embarrassment, but I felt that this made me special, this made me pure. 

And just how oddly the Universe works when you think you've got it all and smell the roses, mother nature surprises me for her first birthday. 

No feelings of excruciating cramps, bloating or mood swings (that I now experience), but just extreme wetness. I knew I was old enough not to pee on myself, but couldn't figure out this discomforting wetness while sitting through English.

Amani R First Period Story

Carefully and curiously walking to the restroom, I lock the door, prop above the toilet and gasp loud enough my heart joins in to the melody. 

"What is this?" "Amani, did you just poop on yourself?" "Or, maybe you sharted... Either way, this is plain weird."

Of course, the restroom had no pads or feminine products for me to turn to in case I came to my senses to realize that this was actually my first ever menstrual cycle. But the good ole' faithful toilet paper would have to suffice. 

Walking out of the restroom, slightly limping and unsure of how to carry on with this diaper-like wad of tissue cuddling my vagina-- I settled in with this thought. 

"Wow, I'm a woman now."

Amani R First Period Stories