Still A Secret

Ella •  Dubai •  14

So I got my first period when I was 12. My mom and sister have always been so enthusiastic about me starting my period and then they made me crave wanting to start my period so I kept my hopes up. I had been hoping for my period because I knew about it so much and I had all the signs you get before getting your first period (except cramps). And then the best thing happened!! I finally got it!

I was doing homework and then I got up to get something to eat. So I was rinsing fruit and then I felt something gush out of me (my first period was really heavy). I just waved it off because I thought it was just discharge. I went back to my homework and then while I was doing it, I felt something gushing out of me and then I knew it couldn’t just be discharge. I looked down and then I saw my shorts stained with blood and I mean A LOT of blood! It was literally like a crime scene where somebody was stabbed!

Ella first period story

I got up and saw the blood on my chair. I panicked! I knew it was my period so different emotions filled my mind. I didn’t tell my sister or mum because I was really nervous. So I just took a shower and changed my clothes and all. My period went on for five days and for those five days, I just took pads from my mum and sister but they didn’t know. I still haven’t told them. I really want to though because my sister’s getting married and she’ll move out and I’m scared my mum might reach menopause. I don’t know what to do or how to tell them.

Ella first period stories