Period Or Nah

Madeline G •  USA •  11

I got my first period in 6th grade. I went to the bathroom and when I looked down, I saw brown stuff in my underwear. I wasn’t sure if it was my period or not so I started walking back to class and saw my friend in the hallway and told her. My friend took me to the bathroom and told me some signs of getting my period because her sister had it. I just went back to class since I wasn’t sure.

Quote: My friend took me to the bathroom and told me some signs of getting my period because her sister had it.

I was going to my grandparents for lunch and when I went there I texted my other friend that was not at school that day because she has her period. She told me I probably got my period and to use lots of toilet paper when I got back to school.

I went to the bathroom a little later and I saw bright red blood in my underwear so I knew I got my period. My friend gave me a panty liner but those are just meant for discharge/spotting so I bled through them quickly. When I got home, I sent my mom a text and told her and she gave me pads. That's my first period story!

bloody undies