Period Goals

Lauren S •  United States •  27

I was at the movie theater with my brother, sister, mom and dad. Before the movie, we all needed to go to the bathroom. I went to pee then when I wiped I saw brown stuff. I thought that it was poop so I tried pushing but I didn't need to poop. The next day I had a soccer match but I felt a little bit sick. I ate a lot of food the other day so I thought it was because of that. I took some advil and tried my best.

My soccer team lost by 2 points. After that, I went to a porta-potty and threw up into the toilet. I also had to pee so I went and then I saw blood all over my underwear! I immediately told my mom what happened and then she explained what a period was. I stayed home from school the day after that. I wished I was at school because there was a school field trip to a children's museum.
