Hey Google, Is This My Period?

Emma P •  connecticut •  13

It was a week before the end of 6th grade. Thursday, June 2nd, 2022. I remember at lunch I felt extremely wet down there but I had heavy discharge for a good 2 years already so I just assumed that it was just that. My mom also told me she got hers at 14 so I just never guessed the brown stuff in my underwear I came home to was my period. I had to turn to good ol’ google because my mom was mowing the lawn.

I had no idea what pantyliners were, and how they were only for discharge, but I knew pads sometimes didn’t have wings. I put a pantyliner on and went to my school open house because it just happened to be that night and I was changing schools.

I think back and wonder what would have happened that night if I didn’t know it was my period. On the first day of school, what if they knew me as “the period stain girl?” Luckily, they didn’t. Someone did call me bloody ass though after I had an unusually heavy flow and bled through a tampon not even 2 months ago.
