Halloween Party Period

Aurora B •  Switzerland •  24

I was almost 12. It was a very busy day in school and I hurried home to leave my things there and to change and then to hurry back because we had a Halloween party at school that day. But at home I went to the toilet and saw a little bit of blood. I was excited because I knew what it was, but also a bit scared because I haven't tried to use or open a pad before, I just saw my mum explaining it before. No one was home (mum was still at work and my older brother was at school). But I managed and went to the Halloween party and quite enjoyed it. I was thinking the whole time whether my pad could be seen and was very self-conscious, but also excited and liked having a cool secret.

Aurora B first period story

When I came home and told my mum excitingly, she reacted like it was bad news, like she was sad for me and it was an annoyance, which I think is the reason why I used to think that too for a long time.

I hope I'll have more positive reactions if I have daughters in the future. That first period was very light and short and they got longer and stronger a bit later. I wish I also used tampons earlier - I did since I was 19, but I should have tried sooner, they are so comfortable!

Aurora B first period stories