Emotional Roller Coaster

Jennifer H •  England •  25


I was 12 when girls I knew were bragging about having their period. I wasn’t bothered that I didn’t have mine yet but their bragging did make me feel like I was a baby.

One day, me and one of the girls were riding our bikes. I stopped my friend and asked her if she was ok because she had blood patches all over her white dress. We checked for cuts on her legs then she ran inside in tears to tell her dad. After she inspected further in the bathroom, she found that she had actually got her first period, which meant she lied about already having it. I understood why she lied because she wanted to fit in, but I wish us girls weren’t so quick to grow up.

Jennifer H first period story

When I did get my period, I was 13 years old and riding on a roller coaster by the seaside. It was a great day until I went into the toilet and BAM. Bright red. Staring right at me. I shouted to my mum across the toilet stalls in shock, “THERE'S BLOOD IN MY PANTS!!” We walked back to the car where my mum then announced to my dad and brother that we had to go to the shop because I had started my period... Thanks mum.

Jennifer H first period stories