Can I Skippy My Period?

Bree W  •  Pennsylvania  •  17


I got mine extremely late. I was about 14 and already knew about it, but I was still disgusted by it. I remember just sitting on my bed with my boyfriend right beside me and sobbing into his shoulder and petting his pet hamster named Skippy, explaining what was happening. He seemed to feel bad for me too. I felt so gross I can barely explain it. I remember silently crying multiple times in classes, that's how bad the feeling was, and keep in mind nothing was wrong with my period, it was just like everyone else's was, but it affected my mental health so badly its unreal. People barely told me it would affect me in the ways it did. I barely even knew it happened like that.

Bree W First Period Story

That's the thing about puberty in girls, it's a terrible part of life and it makes us feel terrible about our bodies and puts us in a bunch of unnecessary pain and stress, and there's nothing we can do about it. But we can help other girls by spreading awareness about it (especially to those who are just starting it). Tell them that it's natural and nothing to be ashamed about, and that all of the mood swings, cramps, and blood happen to all woman, not just you, and that you'll make it out alive.

In my opinion we definitely need to spread more awareness about menstruation and puberty, cause boy, it can make you feel really bad about your body.

Bree W First Period Stories