Bloody Scared

Dishika • India

Ok so it wasn’t that bad because I knew about periods but I was scared.

I got it at school (most likely...) because when I came home my cycling shorts were red but no stains on my skirt. I didn’t realize it, I was just sitting on the bed eating watermelon and my mom said “I think you got your period” and I was confused.

Then I looked down and ran to the washroom not knowing what to do next. I was bloody scared though I knew. I remember hugging my mom with tears and then my mom gave me pants and a pad.


No Prior Knowledge


I was in my room in the morning and I went to the washroom and saw that there was something on my thighs. I cleaned it with water, but I didn't know what it was. After that, I went back in my room and my mother saw there was a blood spot on my jeans.

She came to my room and told me that it's my first period, but I didn't understand what she wanted to say because I didn't know about periods. She told me don't be shocked, don't have tension, it's normal for all girls. My sis gave me a sanitary pad and told me how to use it because I didn't know about this.

illustration of pants with blood stain

Here's To Growing Up


I had just gotten home from getting my hair plaited for 5 hours straight. I got home and went to the toilet. I saw the stain, peed, and saw there was blood.

I don't know why I didn't tell my big sister, but I got pads from my mom's stash, and I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. It was certainly me growing up.
